Vojtěch Filip

Vojtěch Filip (born on January 13, 1955 in Jedovary near České Budějovice; Czech pronunciation: [ˈvojcɛx ˈfɪlɪp]) is a Czech politician and leader of the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia.


Vojtěch Filip was born in 1955, in a small village called Jedovary near České Budějovice. After graduating at grammar school in Trhové Sviny, he studied law at the University of Jan Evangelista Purkyně in Brno (now Masaryk University).

Before his military service duties, he started to work as a lawyer in the former national firm Sfinx Budweis. He returned to that firm in September 1979 after he finished his military service in Prague. He worked at Sfinx without interruption until 1990 as a lawyer. In 1993, he opened his own law firm, first as a commercial lawyer, and later as an attorney specializing in commercial law, constitutional law, political parties and human rights. In professional journals and proceedings, he published many articles, mainly affecting the liability of relations in civil, commercial, labor and criminal law.

Politically, he worked in SSM from 1970 to 1986. From 1983 he was a member of KSČ, and from 1990 a member of KSČM. In KSČM he worked in the Central Auditing Commission and was later the chairman of the IP KSČM in České Budějovice and the UV KSCM. From 1996, he was a member of the Executive Committee of Central KSČM. He also worked as Chairman of the Commission for legislation and human rights UV KSCM.

At a local level, he was politically involved from 1984, when he was elected in by-elections for Members of the Municipal National Committee in České Budějovice. His mandate as a Member of the Municipal National Committee ended in November 1990, and then he ran for City Council in České Budějovice on the ballot of KSCM in 1994. He was elected that time, as well as in 1998 and in repeated elections in 1999.

From 1990, he was politically involved and at the national level. He was a member of the House budget plan of the people, between June 1992 and December 1992 the Secretary of the Constitutional and Legal Committee House of the people. In 1996 he ran and was elected as a candidate of the KSČM to the Parliament of the Czech Republic. At the same time, he was elected President of the Club Members in the PS KSČM Senate. In his second term, he worked in the Committee for Defense and Security. After elections in 2002 and 2006 he was elected twice as Vice-President of the Chamber of Deputies.

He got married in 1979, and together with his wife Ludmila has two children, son Robin (born 1982) and daughter Darina (born 1985). His wife is a doctor, and has her own private practice since 1993. Vojtěch Filip's hobbies include music, particularly rock, nature, fishing and traveling.
